- What is the deadline to submit my e-poster and audio file to the platform?
- How is an abstract scored?
- Will my abstract be considered for oral presentation or eposter?
- When will abstract review end?
- If study results are not available before the abstract submission deadline, can I still submit and present the results at the congress?
- What if I am a student when I submit but by the congress I will have graduated?
- As an undergraduate student nurse, do I need to be affiliated by a NNA to submit an abstract?
- Do abstract submissions have to be related to formal research studies?
- Are masters and PhD students considered undergraduate nursing students?
- Can I submit an already published research?
- What if I cannot be physically present at the 2025 Congress, can I present online?
- Would a recent graduate nurse qualify to submit an abstract as an undergraduate?
- Do accepted presenters receive a discount on registration?
- Can an undergraduate student nurse submit an abstract as such having co-authors who have graduated?